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9 Tips for Using a Flat Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck

2022-04-18 17:37:05
Some drivers may be unfamiliar with the falt self-loading concrete mixer truck, here are 9 tips for using a flat self-loading concrete mixer truck.

flat self-loading concrete mixer truck

1. Before loading, the remaining water and debris in the mixing drum of the flat self-loading concrete mixer truck should be drained first. During the process of transportation, the mixer truck should rotate continuously to prevent the concrete from segregating. Before the flat self-loading concrete mixer truck unloads the material. The mixing drum should rotate at full speed at 14-18 rpm for 1-2 minutes, and then reverse unloading. Before reversing, the mixing drum should stop stably.
2. The pressure of the hydraulic system should meet the requirements in the instruction manual. Do not adjust at will, and the quality and quantity of hydraulic oil should meet the original requirements.
3. The ambient temperature is higher than 25℃, the duration from loading, transportation to unloading should not exceed 60 minutes. When the ambient temperature is lower than 25 ℃, the time shall not exceed 90 minutes.
4. During construction in winter, the following should be done practically: check whether it is frozen before starting the machine, and carefully remove the residual water in the mixing drum and water supply system before getting off work. Turn off the water pump switch and place the control handle in the "stop" position.
5. After unloading at the construction site. The feed hopper, discharge hopper, discharge chute, etc. should be flushed immediately with the hose provided with the flat self-loading concrete mixer truck to remove the sludge and concrete adhering to the body. What’s more, 150-200L  water should be injected into the mixing drum to clean the concrete residue bonded by the drum wall and the blades.
6. After the daily work, the driver should be responsible for injecting clean water into the mixing drum and rotating at high speed of14-18 rpm for 5-10 minutes, and then draining the water. In order to ensure the cleanliness of the inside of the drum, when cleaning all parts of the mixing drum with high-pressure water, some parts such as instruments and joysticks should be avoided cleaning, and the distance between the pressure water nozzle and the paint surface of the body should not be less than 40 cm.
7. When removing the dirt and remaining concrete slag inside and outside the mixing drum of the flat self-loading concrete mixer truck, and when the mechanic enters the drum for maintenance and welding repair work, the engine should be turned off first to stop the rotation of the mixing drum completely. During the work of the mechanic in the mixing cylinder, it is necessary to ensure that the mixing cylinder is well ventilated, the air is fresh, there is no natural gas and harmful dust, and the oxygen supply is sufficient (pure oxygen should not be used). When operating with power tools in the cylinder, the operator should have good insulation protection.
8. When working, do not put your hand into the rotating mixing drum. It is strictly forbidden to put your hand into the connection between the main discharge chute and the extended discharge chute to avoid accidents.
9. The wear of the mixing blades of the flat self-loading concrete mixer truck should be checked regularly and repaired and replaced in time.

In conclusion, the use methods of self-loading concrete mixer drive are similar. If you can use a common self-loading concrete mixer truck, you can use a flat self-loading concrete mixer truck soon.


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