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How to Maintain the Self-loading Concrete Mixer Truck for a Long Time

2022-04-15 17:21:31 Some truck drivers think that the self-loading concrete mixer truck only needs to be shut down after the completion of the work. In fact, this idea is wrong.
In order to eliminate the hidden danger of the self-loading concrete mixer truck in time and ensure that it is in good condition. Only when the self-loading concrete mixer truck is well maintained after the shutdown, will it not often show some small problems. What should be paid attention to after using self-loading concrete mixer truck?

First of all, for the self-loading concrete mixer truck, after the work is completed, the gate of the bulk cement tank should be closed, and all the cement in the spiral pipe should be transported out, and no cement should be left in the pipe. At the same time, the machinery and the site should be completely cleaned.
Furthermore, the concrete in the mixing drum must be cleaned. Maintain the machinery, add lubricating oil to each smooth part, and oil the parts to be protected to prevent rust. Clean the slurry and ash deposits in all parts of the self-loading concrete mixer truck. Clean the dust, adhering concrete and oil stains in the mixing tank and the surface of the whole machine in time to prevent the concrete from drying out.
After the production is completed, the remaining concrete in the self-loading concrete mixer truck should be completely cleaned in time before the machine is shut down. After the machine is shut down, all the operation switches should be placed in the off-circuit position, and each power switch should be closed.
After these steps, even if the self-loading concrete mixer truck is not used for a long time, it will not be easily damaged.
More knowledge about self-loading concrete mixer truck is at


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